My Entry Part II

So, my entry the other day got cut short! Not used to being limited to my time on the computer, when my 30 minutes was up, IT WAS REALLY UP! Anyway, I just wanted to add that seeing the Tumiani group return to Upone was one of the highlights of my week! The connection...

A Message of Hope

I sit on the porch of my thatched roof bungalow, close my eyes and listen. The sounds are distinct and yet they seem to merge into one harmonious sympohony. I hear a multitude of bird calls, shrill whistles, small chirps, loud caws, and deep throaty gurgles. Nearby...

To Be or Not To Be

I am the eye behind the camera, having a chance to see everybody in action, our team and the Tanzanians. What eyes see through the lens is remarkable. What I feel being here is remarkable. The main thing is the feeling of just to be. Nothing else matters. No material...

Into Africa Thru New Eyes

This is my first trip to Africa with this group. So far it has been an amazing adventure. The plane ride over was never-ending for me as I was in the middle of a head cold. Fortunately all our flights were on time, connections were flawless, lay-overs were minimal and...

An Awakening

Hello, America. It’s our fourth day here in Arusha. So far so good. Today we are on our way to Moshi to visit KCMC (Kilimonjoro Christian Medical Center). KCMC is a teaching hospital. They have a bed capacity of 450, but they have a daily census of 600 patients. They...

Mount Meru & Upone Clinic

A very busy and productive day today. Jody, Gyongver, and I went to Mount Meru Hospital and clinic to test the Orasure oral swab HIV test kit. We tested many HIV-positive patients as well as HIV-negative patients, and found the test to be easy to use and well received...

Tumaini (Hope) Revisited

Last January, when we returned to the Upone clinic, I saw very few familiar faces from the year before. Each day I hoped to see Twalibu sitting in the waiting room with his aunt. They never came. Neither did Gerald, the little 6 year old HIV+ boy whose picture we have...

Habari Za Kazi!

We are seeing changes since the first year of our visits in 2002 and note the scaling up of the Tanzania government for the VCT (Voluntary Counseling and Testing) and ARV (Anti retroviral) treatments. We heard that now patients between the ages of 35-50 years old are...

Return Engagement to Africa

Hello to one and All, We survived our 30 hour flight ordeal and have arrived safely in Arusha. We had very litle time between flights so it all went smooth and the trip seemed a little shorter than usual. We arrived at Moivaro Lodge Sunday evening about 8:30pm and we...

Off to Tanzania 2006

It’s hard to believe more than a year has gone by since our last visit to Arusha, Tanzania. Once again, we are packed and ready for another trip to East Africa to continue our work in HIV/AIDS and our very special associations with the Tanzanian people and healthcare...