Our day began with me sharing a letter from my eldest son Iain praising the work we do to help others who are less fortunate than we are. For each of the Phil Simon Clinic team members, what we do to help others comes from our hearts, it is part of who we are.
On this trip,I have been blessed to meet many incredible human beings who like us have dedicated themselves to aiding those who suffer from HIV/AIDS.
We have all read and seen pictures of what third world countries have to endure but to actually see it first hand, is heart wrenching.
To-day our team saw eighty seven patients in a period of six hours. The demands and pressure are enormous but the group never loses it sense of humor. Dr.Shriner and Dr. Soleman Ole in between seeing patients are in the courtyard handing out bubble gum to about fifty young childern. What an incredible site.
Our nurses, Alison and Rhonda after tending the sick, are out blowing up ballons for the children. Jody and Ann our social workers having had group meetings mangage to find the time to have an outdoor painting group for all the children. There had to be more than fifty children there and exceptionally talented. After a very hard working day for out team, it is fun to be able to share the joy of the children having us there. Ryan-King as we call him, has such a great rapore with the children and makes there day with presenting them with lovely pictures of themselves. I can tell Dr.Murase’s parents and her husband that they would be very proud of her. She is such a dedicated doctor and is learning a lot from Dr.Shriner and Dr. Ole and she has her whole heart into her work. Her Dispensary clinic will never be the same for her.
It is nice to talk about the fun side of our trip, but that does not diminsh our focus on what we came here to do. Dr. Ole is of the same kindred spirit as Dr.Shirner. There dreams and goals are the same. To have a medical clinic where the people can go for treatment and help with all there issues of dealing with HIV/AIDS. There hopes and desires are possible with the help and ingenouity of the people around the world. We as human beings are blessed with different talents and we owe it to each other to help one and other.
The Tanzanian people as very gracious and welcoming people, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving me this opportunity to see for myself what we need to do to help them.
For everyone who reads our journal entry, please tell your friends of our project and tell them we need much help and generous donations to help build the Upone Charitble Clinic in Arusha into one of the most needed medical centers for the people.