Team Tanzania 2012 gathered at Huntinton Hospital in Pasadena at 3am to board their bus to LAX — the first leg of a day-and-a-half journey around the globe. The 18 volunteers were sent off by loved ones and Huntington Hospital CEO, Steve Ralph. Their first stop was JFK, and, after a 3 hour layover, are now on their way across the Atlantic to Amsterdam. If all goes as planned and the weather cooperates (winter storms across Europe causing delays), they should arrive in Arusha, Tanzania at 9pm Sunday, February 5th (10am PST). They will be greeted at Kilimanjaro International Airport by Dr. Ezekiel Moirana, Lesikar Naalais, longtime friend of the PSCTP, and Dr. Solomon Ole Logilunore of Upone Clinic. After another one hour bus ride, they will arrive at their lodging for a well-deserved rest. Stay tuned for more updates…