On Monday, September 24, 2018, Sally and Russ White hosted a wonderful luncheon to celebrate the work of the veterinary section of Team Tanzania 2018.  To thank them personally was Dame Jane Goodall, PhD, famed primatologist, ecologist and U.N. Goodwill Ambassador.  In response to a special request from Erasto Njavike, Jane’s Roots and Shoots https://www.rootsandshoots.org/coordinator in Arusha, the 11 veterinarian Team Tanzania 2018 members treated over 1000 donkeys and dogs during the 2018 trip.

In preparation for the trip, Sally and Russ White had hosted a “Donkey Weekend” at their equine sanctuary in Davis, California  With training in place, the vets of Team Tanzania went to work.  157 dogs were spayed/neutered And over 500 dogs received rabies vaccines.  This work will prevent thousands of additional unwanted strays and protect many children from the ravages of rabies  over 500 donkeys were given check ups, dental and hoof treatments and general care  hundreds of children at the Azimio Primary Schoolwere inspired to be kind to animals and take good care of their pets

157 dogs were neutered and spayed and over 500 dogs received rabies vaccines.

At the thank you luncheon in Pasadena, Dr. Goodall complimented the vets on their great work and how much it would impact both the people and animals of Tanzania.  Dr. Goodall continues to be an inspiration for all of us to protect all living things on this delicate planet.

Go Vet Team Tanzania 2018!!!  Thank you Sally and Russ! Thank you, Jane!

To hear Jane’s speech and learn more about the work of the veterinary team: