I’ve been thinking a lot about Steve Jobs this trip; and, I have to tell you, this comes as a great surprise to me and will probably keel my family over because I am definitely not a techie person.  But a in December of 2011 I bought an iPad. My son was getting , I had this trip to Tanzania coming up, and I thought the iPad would be a great way to store and show my pictures – you know, a handly little “gizmo,” small and convenient and pictures look great on it. But this week
this little gizmo has proved to be worth its weight in gold. A video taken on the spur of the moment to prove that the bovie worked was used the next day to show visiting medical students what the machine was and how it worked. The video overcame a language barrier and was truly effective in educating the students. Today we had a ?severe hand injury and the magical gizmo was used to access the Mayo Clinic for information and illustrations. Pictures of before and after have been shown to patients and their families, and obviously I am using it to write and send in this journal entry. So,back to Steve Jobs, I know he was a visionary, I know he knew he would have an impact on the world ; but I wonder if, in his wildest dreams, he ever envisioned a medical missionary group in a third world country being able to cross cultural and language barriers to help one another. So my thanks for the technology, but most of all my gratitude to a man named Steve.